Limitusus's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,72121,627roadworkerRoadworker is a tool to manage Route53. It defines the state of Route53 using DSL, and ...
29,65715,549knife-cookbook-docKnife plugin to generate for a cookbook
314,4859,444miamMiam is a tool to manage IAM. It defines the state of IAM using DSL, and updates IAM ac...
417,43341,086bukelattaBukelatta is a tool to manage S3 Bucket Policy.
517,51433,893kelbimKelbim is a tool to manage ELB. It defines the state of ELB using DSL, and updates ELB ...
640,18216,657mappruMappru is a tool to manage VPC Route Table.
741,26620,275toggl-worktimeSummarise Toggl Time Entries
863,82361,367toggl-jobcanSync toggl worktime to JobCan.
985,24661,367knife-directorManages roles in chef-server
10159,57261,367togglv8-limitususToggl v8 API wrapper (See, originally from kan...
11180,69661,367togglv9Toggl v9 API wrapper (See, originally from kanet77...