Bmaland's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,17111,358datamapperFaster, Better, Simpler.
240,20461,367rails_datamapperRails Plugin for DataMapper
371,55061,367hostconnectLibrary for interfacing with Tourplan's hostConnect software, which is a web service in...
474,98661,367treetop-dcfEasy to use parser for Debian Control Files.
579,17561,367bmaland-aegisAegis is a role-based permission system, where all users are given a role. It is possib...
694,76361,367show_gemShows information about a gem, fetched from the Gemcutter site.
796,14961,367ddslbgThis library spawns a child process which communicates with the DDSL command line tool
8106,41361,367eurekaWeka wrapper for JRuby
9113,55261,367bmaland-has_many_polymorphsAn ActiveRecord plugin for self-referential and double-sided polymorphic associations.
10128,93561,367timbl_clienttimbl_client is a Ruby client for interacting with TimblServer.