Doximity-ci's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,40835,920es-elasticityElasticity provides a higher level abstraction on top of [elasticsearch-ruby](https://g...
218,6779,172shoulda-matchers-uuidThis extends shoulda-matchers to allow validating binary uuids in models.
327,77626,609httprb-opentracingInstruments the http gem for distributed tracing
439,6187,446jquery-ui-rails-dox-forkjQuery UI's JavaScript, CSS, and image files packaged for the Rails 3.1+ asset pipeline
543,97512,493simplekiqProvides tools for representing long chains of parallel and serial jobs in a flat, simp...
646,02935,920oauth2cOAuth2c is a extensible OAuth2 client implementation
747,35031,663activerecord-instrumentationActiveRecord OpenTracing intrumenter
849,91013,399rake-uiThis gem creates a Web Interface for interacting with Rake tasks.
962,04535,920sidekiq-instrumentationOpenTracing instrumentation for Sidekiq.
1066,95335,920vitalA minimally invasive CSS framework for modern web applications.
1172,84753,556funnelerA light-weight approach for routing users through a pre-determined set of routes.
1289,10053,556rack-instrumentationOpenTracing instrumentation for rack
1395,44917,852neo4j-httpAllows exeucting arbitrary cypher commands and simplifies creating nodes and relationships
1496,88435,920kafka-opentracingInstruments the ruby-kafka gem for opentracing
15112,41142,025omniauth-doximity-oauth2OmniAuth strategy for Doximity, supporting OIDC, and using PKCE
16130,69335,920graphql-opentracingInstruments the graphql-ruby gem for opentracing
17151,63753,556sidekiq-opentracing-dox-forkOpenTracing instrumentation for Sidekiq.
18159,73553,556batchmakerAsync queue system that batches items together based on time and size
19172,55653,556activerecord-opentracing-dox-forkActiveRecord OpenTracing intrumenter
20173,94253,556nethttp-instrumentation-dox-forkOpenTracing Instrumentation for Net::HTTP requests.
21175,23153,556redis-instrumentation-dox-forkOpenTracing instrumentation for the Redis Ruby client.
22175,60553,556super_spreaderProvides tools for managing resource-efficient backfills of large datasets via ActiveJob
23176,68253,556track_ballastSmall supporting units of Ruby to use with Rails
24176,99142,025dutData Update Tool facilitates efficient bulk-updating of data in Ruby applications
25170,96963,703easykiqProvides tools for representing long chains of parallel and serial jobs in a flat, simp...