Progrhyme's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
121,04223,626capistrano-net_storageA Capistrano SCM Plugin to deploy application via remove storage. Logically, this e...
223,16528,793capistrano-net_storage-s3A transport plugin of capistrano-net_storage to deploy application via Amazon S3.
342,45916,697capistrano-deploy_lockerA capistrano 3 plugin which provides locking feature for deployment
4106,45535,920griforkFast propagative task runner for systems which consist of a lot of servers.
5125,34342,025camel_snakeMix-in module for String class which enables to convert CamelCase and snake_case
6151,35486,038stdloggerCreates Logger writing logs to STDOUT or STDERR in addition to target device.