Yotpogems's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,0456,917geoip2Integration with MaxMind GeoIP2 API
28,54551,220yotpoA Ruby interface to the YOTPO API
327,71851,220restash_railsAdd configurations to application.config.restash_rails and have fun.
429,02729,512restashLogs Resque failures to Logstash
538,83012,195tictail-apiRuby wrapper for tictail API - written by Yotpo
642,39551,220seoshop-apiRuby wrapper for SEOshop API - written by Yotpo
745,20551,220resque-cloudwatch-monitorAllows reporting failures of resque jobs to Amazon CloudWatch
845,59751,220exact-target-clientRuby client for interacting with ExactTarget (Salesforce Marketing Cloud) APIs
950,50516,557storenvy-apiRuby wrapper for Sotrenvy API - written by Yotpo
1061,49251,220ecwid-apiRuby wrapper for Ecwid API - written by Yotpo
1187,12351,220shoplo-apiRuby wrapper for shoplo API - written by Yotpo
1298,01051,220yotpo-apiYotpo API integration gem