Jdahlke's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
135,99066,011shark-on-lambda`shark-on-lambda` does the heavy lifting for writing web services based on AWS API Gate...
236,35819,401infopark-crm-helpersinfopark-crm-helpers provides helper mixins and validators to use with the Infopark Web...
343,90916,005elb-health-checkProvides an URL for to check the health of the application
449,12824,223syslogglyLograge and Syslog integration for Rails apps.
575,152107,996neuromancer-indexerRuby gem to push data for indexing to the Neuromancer service.
677,68815,300bima-shark-sdkThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
781,77416,005shark-permissions-coreBasic functionality to work with shark permissions
886,046107,996awsharkCustom CLI for for AWS to simplify common tasks with EC2, S3 and Cloud Formation
993,17731,970rack-on-lambdaUse your Rack application on AWS Lambda.