Dcotecnologia's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
144,61319,037bigid_bgcheckA library to use BigData Corps background check features
254,24721,342bigid_authA library to use BigData Corps auth features
364,29869,238flash_integrationA library to make easily to build integrations
493,18469,238zaigSDK to consume the Zaig services
5115,26133,989brl_authMódulo de autenticação para API da BRL para projetos em Ruby
6120,12130,898confsetEasiest way to manage multi-environment settings in any ruby project or framework:
7132,04143,643cnab240_bancoabcCNAB240 BancoABC layout library
8161,11669,238geo-regionsUseful to make forms and validations. It uses MaxMind database.
9163,01369,238neoway_authA library to use Neoway auth features
10175,63969,238iugu-api-sdkIugu API
11171,62813,486config-rbEasiest way to manage multi-environment settings in any ruby project or framework: