Ydah's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1197161rubocop-rspecCode style checking for RSpec files. A plugin for the RuboCop code style enforcing & li...
2827276rubocop-capybaraCode style checking for Capybara test files (RSpec, Cucumber, Minitest). A plugin for t...
31,017274rubocop-factory_botCode style checking for factory_bot files. A plugin for the RuboCop code style enforcin...
42,1841,711committeeA collection of Rack middleware to support JSON Schema.
52,232407rubocop-rspec_railsCode style checking for RSpec Rails files. A plugin for the RuboCop code style enforcin...
631,48110,851slim-embedded-minifyA slim file to minify embedded code.
799,98814,126otterraftSimple YAML Frontmatter Parser
8124,47849,619rubocop-safe_todo_searcherSearch for Cops that can be automatically modified among the Cops listed in .rubocop_to...
9125,495108,739rubocop-committeeAutomatic committee code style checking tool. A RuboCop extension focused on enforcing ...
10154,867108,739workitcopCustom cops for `RuboCop`.
11173,99249,619slimembedcopRuboCop runner for Ruby code embedded in Slim.
12176,748108,739gemfile_parserA simple Gemfile parser.
13178,603108,739rubocop-rspec-extraA RuboCop extension focused on enforcing RSpec. A place where no one is officially empl...
14179,151108,739yamlintA YAML file linter and formatter.
15179,55466,440gashadokuroA CSS selector parser implemented in Ruby.
16181,22266,440irb-theme-iceberg🟦 Bluish color scheme for irb
17182,987108,739redhoundRedhound is a pure Ruby packet analyzer that can be used to capture and analyze network...