Agustibr's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
150,98063,432fortyone-jekyll-themeJekyll theme of the "Forty" theme by HTML5 UP.
260,92641,916decidim-navigation_mapsAllows to create visual guiding maps in content blocks for Decidim.
396,75863,432jekyll-theme-perempordaa jekyll theme with bootstrap 4, page, post and collection template
4114,76641,916decidim-notifyA note-taker feature focused on conversations.
5118,54630,305decidim-action_delegatorA tool for Decidim that provides extended functionalities for cooperatives and allows d...
6129,12141,916decidim-comparative_statsA module to compare instances of Decidim by using their API.
7163,50041,916decidim-time_trackerA tool for Decidim that allows to track time dedicated by volunteers doing any arbitrar...