Vinicius_stock's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,8771,893syntax_treeA parser based on ripper
21,8911,902prettier_printA drop-in replacement for the prettyprint gem with more functionality.
320,86332,148sailSail is a lightweight Rails engine that brings an admin panel for managing configuratio...
480,382103,630loupeLoupe is a Ruby test framework that can run tests in parallel in Ractor or forked proce...
587,798103,630carverCarve an application
6123,377103,630correspondentDead simple configurable user notifications with little overhead.
7139,057103,630has_encrypted_fieldEncrypted attributes for Rails models.
8117,18653,383terminal-explorerA terminal file explorer written in Ruby! Create, delete, move, copy, edit and list fil...
9144,07553,383blank_chainBlockchain implementation to be used with whatever data desired.
10149,56036,810json_queueJSON queue implementation for easy asynchronous API request processing in Rails applica...
11153,59626,707active_job_dashboardQueue adapter agnostic active job dashboard
12156,55836,810yaqaA native extension background job queue adapter