Demonstrandum's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
146,41561,367ruby_figletFIGlet font interpretation and printing library for Ruby
261,67220,275markup-emailConverting Markup to E-mails with github-markup
362,53661,367fractalCreates PNG images of complex plane fractals.
465,28819,101mimetype-xmlAdd custom mimetypes by parsing a TOML file in to an XML file which can be installed.
575,53561,367a-starA* Search Algorithm for PNG images
677,69261,367famA very watered down language ment to look like an assembly language.
7105,86361,367coinsA live terminal currency exchange rate converter
8116,07361,367ssh_speakTalk to your friend with espeak
9137,92361,367famalamFAMalam is a front end web interface for FAM
10141,83361,367progress_downloadSimple customisable progress bar for downloading in Ruby.