Ctanner's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,99221,627mickey_goldmillThis is a gem that includes generators to add a jenkins setup to a rails project
29,0264,927canvas_syncGem for generating Canvas models and migrations and syncing data from Canvas
310,65523,402bridge_apiRuby gem for interacting with the bridge API
412,87021,627bridge_cacheA mountable engine for bridge data storage, can either be used for di...
517,92019,101paul_walkerRate limit management using redis
619,79721,627bridge_blueprintTools for consuming bridge data dumps
726,09510,745paychex_apiInterface for interacting with the paychex enterprise API
829,31717,333lti_rolesLTI standard launches will include roles, this gem maps those roles into an easily usea...
950,71361,367integration_palMounts in a rails project to allow code sharing for tasks like starting and monitoring ...