Opensource_firespring's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,34923,402stbaldricksRuby library for accessing and integrating with the St. Baldrick's Foundation API
29,5785,971firespring_dev_commandsRuby library for creating/maintaining your development environment
312,06261,367sbf-toolkitRuby library for rendering UI elements
412,82325,716hedgelogAn opinionated/structured JSON logger for Ruby
580,70121,627manifestly-clientA Ruby client that enables quick and easy interactions with the api
6179,74725,716sbf-dm-do-adapterA unified Ruby API for popular databases.
7180,46223,402sbf-dm-aggregatesDataMapper plugin providing support for aggregates, functions on collections and datasets.
8180,47861,367sbf-dm-noisy-failuresThis library replaces the default behavior of DataMapper by raising exceptions with des...
9180,80761,367sbf-data_mapperDataMapper plugin providing support for aggregates, functions on collections and datasets.
10180,85661,367sbf-dm-migrationsDataMapper plugin for modifying and maintaining database structure, triggers, stored pr...
11180,88261,367sbf-dm-serializerdm-serializer allows DataMapper models and collections to be serialized to a variety of...
12180,97961,367sbf-dm-coreDataMapper core library where one row in the data-store should equal one object referen...
13181,39261,367sbf-dm-sqlite-adapterSqlite3 Adapter for DataMapper
14181,39961,367sbf-dm-constraintsPlugin that adds foreign key constraints to associations. Currently supports only Postg...
15181,51361,367sbf-dm-timestampsDataMapper plugin which adds “magic” to created_at, created_on, et cetera.
16181,54461,367sbf-dm-validationsThis is a DataMapper plugin that provides validations for DataMapper model classes.
17181,54461,367sbf-dm-mysql-adapterA MySQL Adapter for DataMapper
18181,54461,367sbf-dm-typesDataMapper plugin providing extra data types for use in data models
19181,54441,086sbf-dm-transactionsMakes transaction support available for adapters that support them
20181,89461,367sbf-data_objectsProvide a standard and simplified API for communicating with RDBMS from Ruby
21182,06941,086sbf-do_sqlite3Implements the DataObjects API for Sqlite3
22182,15161,367sbf-do_mysqlImplements the DataObjects API for MySQL