Weppos's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12610public_suffixPublicSuffix can parse and decompose a domain name into top level domain, domain and su...
21,7861,844whoisWhois is an intelligent WHOIS client and parser written in pure Ruby. It can query regi...
31,8363,100fog-dnsimpleThis library can be used as a module for `fog` or as standalone provider ...
42,1452,508breadcrumbs_on_railsBreadcrumbsOnRails is a simple Ruby on Rails plugin for creating and managing a breadcr...
52,3012,574whois-parserWhois Parser is a WHOIS parser written in pure Ruby. It can parse and convert responses...
62,9364,018net-dnsNet::DNS is a pure Ruby DNS library, with a clean OO interface and an extensible API.
73,5983,320dnsimpleThe DNSimple API client for Ruby.
84,7226,615simpleconfigSimpleConfig is a plugin designed to make application-wide configuration settings (e.g....
94,9986,589tabs_on_railsTabsOnRails is a simple Ruby on Rails plugin for creating tabs and navigation menu for ...
109,8356,540actionmailer-with-requestLet's ActionMailer know about the request context to avoid having to set a number of de...
1110,17120,275dnsimple-rubyThe DNSimple API client for Ruby. This gem is deprecated, please use dnsimple.
1214,78441,086public_suffix_servicePublicSuffixService gem is now known as PublicSuffix.
1326,37061,367apachelogregexApache Log Regex is a Ruby port of Peter Hickman's Apache::LogRegex 1.4 Perl module. ...
1441,76961,367robowhoisRuby client for the RoboWhois API.
1550,75121,627lograge-taggedA tagged LogSubscriber for Lograge.
1659,23761,367www-deliciousWWW::Delicious is a del.icio.us API client implemented in Ruby. It provides access ...
1779,60261,367activerecord-multiconditionsMultiConditions is a simple ActiveRecord plugin for storing ActiveRecord query cond...
1890,00661,367freeagentRuby client for the FreeAgent API.
19100,28861,367helperfulHelperful aims to be a collection of useful and reusable Rails helpers.
20104,41061,367publicsuffixTemporary placeholder for public_suffix
21119,71161,367google_analytics_on_railsGoogleAnalyticsOnRails is a Ruby on Rails plugin designed to make easier to integra...
22148,97261,367x509This is currently a stub.