Mataku's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,7236,666danger-lock_dependency_versionsA Danger plugin to check files which should be committed.
28,27118,641danger-ktlintLint kotlin files using ktlint command line interface.
312,49727,573bitrise-clientA ruby client for Bitrise API
417,00439,550danger-android_permissions_checkerA Danger plugin to check diff of android apk permissions.
537,70134,028danger-local_rulesManage local rules by Danger.
645,21045,714fastlane-plugin-aws_device_farm_uploadUploads specified file to AWS Device Farm project
798,14578,154ruboty-gekironRuboty handler to generate conversation topic
8165,69957,499danger-lock_library_versionsA Danger plugin to check whether version lockfile is committed or not
9182,39239,550fastlane-plugin-discord_webhookA lightweight fastlane plugin to send a message via Discord Webhook