Igor_malinovskiy's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
127,16812,386query_filterThis gem provides DSL to write custom complex filters for ActiveRecord models
231,51810,164postman_mtaThis gem will add some routes to the application to forward requests from frontend to p...
338,04441,916api_signatureSign API requests with HMAC signature
438,41122,084action_tracker_clientActionTracking service integration gem
544,39141,916api_proxyProxy for tickets service
664,64615,400riservaBackup files to cloud drive
765,01563,432time_distanceThis gem provides precise time distance between dates
873,71463,432model_auditorShow changed attributes of ActiveRecord model
981,66141,916array_associationThis gem defines some helpers to use array columns like assiciated models
10128,86363,432exmo_apiThis gem provides access to public and trade API of Exmo.com exchange
11129,93863,432cexio-websocketGem to listen CEX.io updates via websocket
12162,39630,305dropbox_content_hasherIn order to allow Dropbox API apps to verify uploaded contents or compare remote files ...