1 | 50,126 | 43,399 | mikunyan | Library to deserialize Unity assetbundles and assets. |
2 | 50,849 | 22,851 | usamin | A fast JSON serializer / deserializer for Ruby with RapidJSON. |
3 | 86,413 | 53,730 | yuuki | A caller / runner framework for Ruby. |
4 | 109,607 | 82,167 | houcluttex | configurable cluttex wrapper |
5 | 122,830 | 82,167 | google_cloud_logging_extension | Extension of google-cloud-logging-gem. |
6 | 162,672 | 82,167 | google-cloud-storage-extension | Gem to extend google-cloud-storage gem |
7 | 172,593 | 14,840 | anastasia | i18next JSON generator from yaml |
8 | 172,961 | 23,846 | momoka | Dotenv encryptor with AES-256-CBC |
9 | 174,880 | 82,167 | natalia | Lyrics scraper for Japanese songs |
10 | 175,567 | 43,399 | anzu | Twitter API wrapper for Ruby |
11 | 175,773 | 23,846 | usamin-js | A RapidJSON-based JavaScript object generator for Ruby. |
12 | 175,943 | 53,730 | arisu | Dotenv with google-cloud-secret_manager |
13 | 177,215 | 53,730 | good_luck_charm | おまじない |
14 | 177,322 | 82,167 | yoshinon | Yoshinon is a gem to guard processes from signals such as SIGTERM and SIGINT. |
15 | 178,651 | 53,730 | extlzma2 | A Ruby binding of liblzma that is compatible with Ruby 3.2 |