1 | 42,909 | 65,624 | bio-signalp | A wrapper for the signal peptide prediction algorith SignalP. Not very well supported, ... |
2 | 49,392 | 25,330 | wwood-rarff | Rarff is a Ruby library for dealing with Attribute-Relation File Format (ARFF) files. A... |
3 | 60,582 | 65,624 | array_pair | random useful methods for working with Ruby arrays and hashes |
4 | 60,589 | 65,624 | bio-plasmoap | The PlasmoAP algorithm (Foth and Ralph et. al. 2003) predicts apicoplast transit peptid... |
5 | 69,449 | 65,624 | goruby | GoRuby makes it easy to interact with the Gene Ontology by using the infrastructure set... |
6 | 74,638 | 65,624 | rarff | Library for handling Weka ARFF files |
7 | 84,597 | 65,624 | bio-cnls_screenscraper | Programmatic interface to the cNLS nuclear localisation signal prediction software |