Thutt's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
118,4365,505gdk-toogleToogle is a Rails engine to toggle feature flags in GitLab development environments.
219,6168,761initialsUse colorful SVGs as user avatars in any Ruby and Rails application.
326,234107,996simplebar-railsSimpleBar is a plugin that tries to solve a long time problem : how to get custom scrol...
472,37166,011bongoRails engine for blogging using MongoDB.
572,66166,011reviewletteEasy, fair and trackable labor division in your team.
6104,921107,996eos_iconsThis gem allows for easy inclusion of the EOS iconic font into the Rails asset pipeline.
7169,15566,011frontlightShed some light on your Rails front-end.
8172,207107,996ghost_trainI could've just used a ghost train.