Akicho8's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
131,11841,916memory_recordA simple library that handles a few records easily
232,48863,432table_formatTableFormat shows text table like emacs org-table for easy reading.
338,27441,916tree_supportTree structure visualization function library
438,67463,432org_tpOrgTp shows text table like emacs org-table for easy reading.
556,73763,432html_formatA small library that easily converts various objects to HTML.
663,66063,432aamIndex reference to Japanese correspondence relation annotate_models
7103,20863,432source2mdMarkdown generator from source code
8141,11041,916bioshogiShogi library
9144,60618,158styletSimple SDL library description
10166,75141,916raslCASL Assembler / Simulator
11170,96663,432stylet_supportVector library