Jordandobson's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
114,31661,367glueThe Glue gem enables posting to API service using an account subdomain, use...
258,14361,367AptDownloaderApt-Downloader is intended as a useful tool for developers working on embedded linux. ...
368,36961,367featherdustFeatherdust is a simple Twitter gem that grabs and parses data via the Twitter API. NO...
472,27661,367wordpressThe Wordpress gem provides posting to a blog or a self hosted wordpress b...
573,96433,893WillsItunesProjectReads itunes data from itunes library XML files and provides useful information regard...
687,63541,086GrokITunes* A regex based parser that processes the ITunes Music Library.xml file and generates ...
787,94029,456MeChallengeThis command line utility simulates n number of personal challenge combats in the PBM g...
887,94841,086imineParses an iTunes XML file and provides useful data. Also includes a command-line tool t...
989,43761,367iTunesAmazonThis is a handy little program that provides super useful stats about your iTunes libra...
1090,47733,893MiniMarkupThis is a very simplified version of how Textile works and also adds some fixes if you ...
1192,06361,367purevolumeThe Purevolume gem enables posting to using your email/login-name, passw...
1292,38361,367RusaMemberExtract data from RUSA web site to get members information, results, awards
13115,97661,367concert_calendarCreate a personalized concert calendar and host it on your own server for subscription....
14116,38561,367DebianPackageDownloaderDebian Package Downloader is (going to be when completed) a useful tool for embedded de...
15118,62661,367FlightSearcherScreen-scrapes a couple of sites fo Flight prices and availability.
16119,32761,367grok-itunes* A regex based parser that processes the ITunes Music Library.xml file and generates a...
17121,38241,086IsHealthyAggMonitors multiple URLs for a configured string. Expects to find the string on at least...
18121,60833,893PheldItunesReporterPheldItunesReporter provides a library and corresponding executable script that calcula...
19121,88661,367itilityThis simple itility parses your itunes library XML file and outputs song statistics. I...
20123,45661,367sbs2003_contacts* A small utiltity library to help alleviate the tedium of managing the contacts and e-...