Karagenit's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
127,45466,923bootstrap4-select-railsbootstrap-select Gem for Rails
231,09226,806github-graphqlSend GraphQL API Requests to Github
376,51366,923github_fastforwardAutomatically Add Upstream Branch & Rebase Current Branch
485,68366,923github_slocFind How Many SLOC You've Commited to Github
587,82166,923frc-motorsDC Motor Specification Lookup Tables for Vex/FRC Legal Motors
697,96566,923graph-barTurn Numbers into a Bargraph
7103,78166,923affirmativeAdd affirmative? Method to String Class to Check if Y, Yes, etc.
8104,44643,406unitwise-parseParse Full Strings to Unitwise Objects
9113,78366,923intel-backlightThis gem allows you to update your laptop screen backlight brightness on intel-based sy...
10135,55766,923commit-timeDetermine Time Spent Writing Each Commit in a Git Repo
11141,66066,923vex-motorsLibrary containing detailed Vex motor specifications, including CIMs, MiniCIMs, and 775...
12143,55166,923unitwise-constantsPhysics & Chemistry Constants for Unitwise
13163,80866,923belirCompute Solutions to Sets of Equations Given Certain Values
14166,56266,923todo-jsonTo-Do List App which Saves Data in JSON Format
15166,95966,923gh-newAccess the Github API to create a new repository
16167,89466,923dangerlessProgrammatically generate instance methods that return a cloned copy of the object.
17170,18766,923symbolizationGem to convert Strings into Symbols, Replacing Whitespace & Caps
18170,33266,923unsyncedRecursivley Find Git Repositories that Aren't Pushed/Pulled