Dakotaleewebdev's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
172,25540,399ror_generatorsAdds generators for react on rails modules
281,98555,996handy_generatorsRun rails generate --help to see a list of generators that were added by installing the...
386,84055,996kill_shotguninstall the gem, run kill_shotgun from your terminal and you're good to go.
499,99255,996capybara_scraperUses Capybara to scrape
5104,74355,996student_progressCollects data about student progress
6142,18655,996gem_semverUpdates the version of your Gem (use in conjunction with rake release)Running `bump maj...
7163,40455,996dakota-foodieMy version of the foodie gem tutorial
8167,81555,996session_secret_generatorUses SecureRandom to generate a 64 character random hexadecimal string for use as a ses...
9169,45655,996top_grossing_moviesScrapes a newsday website: https://www.newsday.com/entertainment/movies/the-biggest-box...