Markbluhm's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
114,32332,525g5_authenticatableAn engine that provides a basic User model, authentication logic, and remote credential...
215,14415,401modelishSometimes you need something just a little modelish.
316,40154,789devise_g5_authenticatableDevise extension for the G5 Auth service
418,26632,525g5_authentication_clientClient for the G5 Auth service
518,91932,525g5_authenticatable_apiHelpers for securing APIs with G5
621,40554,789omniauth-g5OmniAuth strategy for G5
753,60454,789yield_star_clientA simple wrapper around a SOAP client for the YieldStar AppExchange web service.
854,46454,789resque-pagerdutyresque-pagerduty provides a Resque failure backend that triggers a Pagerduty incident...
958,86654,789github_bitbucket_deployerDeploys Github repos to bitbucket
1077,57254,789reps_clientA simple wrapper around a SOAP client for the MDI Achieve REPS Leads web service.