1 | 5,291 | 3,177 | rice | Rice is a C++ interface to Ruby's C API. It provides a type-safe and
exception-safe int... |
2 | 10,614 | 53,556 | simple_aws | SimpleAWS is a clean, simple, and forward compatible library for talking to the Amazon ... |
3 | 12,814 | 42,025 | gccxml_gem | Because GCCXML is difficult to install on all platforms,
this binary gem is provided fo... |
4 | 15,093 | 53,556 | rbgccxml | Rbgccxml is a library that parses out GCCXML (http://www.gccxml.org) output
and provide... |
5 | 29,353 | 53,556 | rbplusplus | Rb++ combines the powerful query interface of rbgccxml and the Rice library to
make Rub... |
6 | 35,969 | 53,556 | ogre.rb | Ogre.rb is a SWIG wrapper to allow access to the Ogre 3D API from Ruby. |
7 | 107,911 | 53,556 | pantry | Pantry is a framework that provides answers to common questions encoutered when setting... |
8 | 128,055 | 86,038 | solid_state | Add simple states to your classes with different functionality across states. |
9 | 140,951 | 86,038 | test-kitchen-provisioners | A collection of helpful provisioniners for working with Test Kitchen |
10 | 148,374 | 86,038 | pantry-chef | Add Chef support to a Pantry network. |
11 | 148,593 | 86,038 | pantry-exec | Run arbitrary shell commands on a Pantry Client. |