Hausgold's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,6434,374grape-jwt-authenticationA reusable Grape JWT authentication concern
211,2264,620keylessA reusable JWT authentication helper
325,55916,601jabber_adminLibrary for the ejabberd RESTful admin API
428,6089,985rimlessA bundle of opinionated Apache Kafka / Confluent Schema Registry helpers.
538,69521,119billomatWrapper for the Billomat API
639,10710,306factory_bot_instrumentationAllow your testers to generate test data on demand
737,52414,986hausgold-sdkConnect your app to the HAUSGOLD ecosystem
869,82625,520pricehubbleRuby client for the PriceHubble REST API
972,34637,537immoscoutRuby client for the Immobilienscout24 REST API
1077,22037,537railsfulThis gem provides useful helper functions to interaact with JSON API.
1181,66737,537conversejsConverse.js for your Rails application
1296,12622,870alarmableThis is a reusable alarm concern for Active Recordmodels. It adds support for the autom...
1397,44613,560countlessThis gem includes reusable code statistics / annotations helpers / Rake tasks.
14160,35922,870boltlessneo4j driver, via the HTTP API