Hausgold's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,8358,655grape-jwt-authenticationA reusable Grape JWT authentication concern
29,8168,960keylessA reusable JWT authentication helper
324,09263,432jabber_adminLibrary for the ejabberd RESTful admin API
426,7847,576rimlessA bundle of opinionated Apache Kafka / Confluent Schema Registry helpers.
532,82241,916factory_bot_instrumentationAllow your testers to generate test data on demand
636,77263,432billomatWrapper for the Billomat API
764,99811,043pricehubbleRuby client for the PriceHubble REST API
867,48763,432immoscoutRuby client for the Immobilienscout24 REST API
937,52414,986hausgold-sdkConnect your app to the HAUSGOLD ecosystem
1075,75814,438conversejsConverse.js for your Rails application
1177,23118,158railsfulThis gem provides useful helper functions to interaact with JSON API.
1284,83541,916countlessThis gem includes reusable code statistics / annotations helpers / Rake tasks.
1387,05563,432alarmableThis is a reusable alarm concern for Active Recordmodels. It adds support for the autom...
14134,54663,432boltlessneo4j driver, via the HTTP API