Jimweirich's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11014rakeRake is a Make-like program implemented in Ruby. Tasks and dependencies are specified i...
23243builderBuilder provides a number of builder objects that make creating structured data simple ...
33,2906,967flexmockFlexMock is a extremely simple mock object class compatible with the Minitest frame...
44,2605,504rspec-givenGiven is an RSpec extension that allows the use of Given/When/Then terminology when def...
54,2915,516sorcererGenerate the original Ruby source from a Ripper-style abstract syntax tree.
64,3315,538given_coreGiven_core is the basic functionality behind rspec-given and minitest-given, extensions...
718,847117,678sourcesThis package provides download sources for remote gem installation
820,90539,646minitest-givenGiven is a Minitest::Spec extension that allows the use of Given/When/Then terminology ...
932,28497,080reThe re library allows the easy construction of regular expressions via an expression la...
1047,516117,678x10-cm17aRuby based X10 CM17A Firecracker Controller
1167,806117,678givenGiven is a specification framework that allows explicit definition of the pre and post-...
1269,48839,646argusArgus is a Ruby interface to a Parrot AR Drone quadcopter.Argus is extremely experiment...
1371,799117,678tattleTattle is a little reporting script used for collecting system information from the Rub...
1473,112117,678texpTExp is a temporal expression library for Ruby with a modular, extensible express...
15115,34777,965complearnUsing this package, you can do powerful pattern recognition easily from your shell comm...
16121,732117,678rspec-collectionFor example: collection.should all_be > 0 will specify that each elemen...
17137,21497,080dudleyDudley is a set of techniques and code practices to aid in the decoupling of applicatio...
18167,569117,678minispec-givenGiven is a Minitest::Spec extension that allows the use of Given/When/Then terminology ...