Glejeune's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1814498ruby-graphvizRuby/Graphviz provides an interface to layout and generate images of directed graphs in...
26,87712,522ruby-xsltRuby/XSLT is a simple XSLT class based on libxml and libxsl...
313,81412,522CapcodeCapcode is a web microframework
452,91539,646capcode-render-staticCapcode plugin to render static file
558,11739,646chocbombChocBomb is a shameful copy of ChocTop - Build and deploy tools for Cocoa apps using Sp...
663,62039,646araAra is a tiny class that’s allow you to use actors in Ruby
764,64843,535capcode-render-binaryCapcode plugin to render binary file
865,09146,777capcode-base-datamapperCapcode plugin to access databases via DataMapper
968,42628,297syncftpSync via FTP, only modified files
1071,434117,678jekyll-epubCreate an eBook (epub) of your Jekyll blog
1174,98977,965soap-lcSOAP Lite Client provides support for developing clients interfaces from WSDL files.
1281,50146,777capcode-render-hamlCapcode plugin to render via Haml
1381,97646,777capcode-render-coffee-scriptCapcode plugin to render JavaScript via CoffeeScript
1481,98146,777capcode-base-activerecordCapcode plugin to access databases via ActiveRecord
1582,10658,846capcode-render-mailCapcode plugin to send mail
1682,17243,535capcode-render-markabyCapcode plugin to render via Markaby
1782,42643,535capcode-render-jsonCapcode plugin to render JSON
1882,43746,777capcode-render-erbCapcode plugin to render via Erb
1982,81053,263capcode-render-webdavCapcode plugin to create WebDav server
2094,690117,678ruby-luaCall Lua from Ruby (and Ruby from Lua in Ruby)
21103,25697,080leap-motion-wsRuby interface to the Leap Motion Controller (via WebSocket)
22112,98968,530capcode-render-mustacheCapcode plugin to render via Mustache
23114,36977,965capcode-base-mongoidCapcode plugin to access MongoDB via MongoID
24114,79468,530capcode-base-couch_fooCapcode plugin to access CouchDB via couch_foo
25115,16468,530capcode-base-couchrestCapcode plugin to access CouchDB via CouchRest
26115,22768,530capcode-render-sassCapcode plugin to render via Sass
27115,38468,530capcode-render-redirectCapcode plugin to render redirection
28115,61268,530capcode-render-xmlCapcode plugin to render XML
29115,80077,965capcode-all-pluginsThis gem install all Capcode plugins
30115,83777,965capcode-base-sequelCapcode plugin to access databases via Sequel
31115,99268,530capcode-render-noneCapcode plugin to render nothing
32116,05468,530capcode-render-lessCapcode plugin to render via Less
33118,71577,965couchccouchc is a tiny console for CouchDB
34165,69358,846capistrano-rustRustup/Rustc/Cargo support for Capistrano 3.x