Marii's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
128,36053,556wax_tasksRake tasks for minimal exhibition sites with Minicomp/Wax.
239,25086,038pagemasterjekyll plugin for generating md pages from csv/json/yml
359,18186,038wax_iiifMinimal IIIF level 0 generator for use with minicomp/wax
4107,26635,920jekyll_pushgem to push a compiled jekyll site to a github branch
5121,57786,038wax_themeJekyll gem theme for Minicomp/Wax
6121,67086,038dianeCL gem for recording and playing back thoughts/ intel/ motivations without bloating...
7166,05553,556jekyll_pocketjekyll hook plugin for building a fully portable site
8178,23586,038aperitiiifThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.