Leshill's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,8142,358handlebars_assetsA Railties Gem to compile hbs assets
22,5762,833resque_specRSpec matchers for Resque
35,9679,921hogan_assetsUse compiled hogan.js (mustache) JavaScript templates with sprockets and the Rails asse...
46,9465,193haml_assetsUse Haml with Rails helpers in the asset pipeline
511,82861,367specjourSpecjour splits your RSpec suite across multiple machines, and multiple cores per m...
613,0679,726mongo_docODM for MongoDB
721,0128,124cocoapods-openCocoaPod’s plugin to open a pod’s workspace
825,11761,367factory_girl_generatorRails 3 generator for factory_girl
926,76561,367leshill-will_paginateThe will_paginate library provides a simple, yet powerful and extensible API for Active...
1036,62819,101mongodocODM for MongoDB
1158,08561,367aws-extExtensions for aws-s3
1291,10633,893mongo_doc_rails2ODM for MongoDB - for Rails 2.3.x
13105,77761,367bouncy_botsSimple negative captcha for Rails
14122,32641,086mongo_doc-railsMongoDoc-Rails provides an interface between the MongoDoc::Document and the Rails 3 Act...
15168,55261,367priorityqPriority Queue and Binary Heap