1 | 84,750 | 20,489 | ruby_abc | ruby_abc is a ruby C extension intended to allow the use of ABC from Ruby.
ABC is a sys... |
2 | 127,753 | 106,788 | blifutils | BlifUtils is a library to handle BLIF logic netlists in Ruby. It can read and write fil... |
3 | 151,271 | 24,661 | p1788 | P1788 is a Ruby C extension wrapping the libieeep1788 interval arithmetic library. |
4 | 169,841 | 55,375 | paddlec | PaddleC is a Ruby C extension attempting to provide objects and methods to rapidly set ... |
5 | 170,063 | 40,013 | roctave | Roctave is an attempt to provide some Matlab / Gnu Octave functions in a Ruby gem to ge... |
6 | 175,057 | 106,788 | crmf | CRMF is a Ruby C extension which provides correctly rounded math functions for Ruby flo... |
7 | 175,643 | 55,375 | vibes-rb | The vibes-rb gem allows to connect to the VIBes viewer (Visualizer for Intervals and Bo... |
8 | 176,244 | 106,788 | lemongraph | LemonGraph is a Ruby C extension wrapping parts of the LEMON graph library |