Orangeflash81's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,9381,589parlourA type information generator, merger and parser for Sorbet and Ruby 3/Steep
26,1523,027pry-sorbetPry plugin for Sorbet
312,02915,549sordGenerate Sorbet RBI files from YARD documentation
4112,86761,367brain_freezeGenerate a Sorbet RBI for a gem with inline types
5116,07361,367sorbet-cfgPowerful semantic analysis using Sorbet's CFGs
6117,59025,716of81-test-gem-aTest gem A
7124,87261,367hashapeEasy validation of deeply-nested hashes
8162,74641,086parlour-datamapperParlour plugin for generating types for data_mapper
9165,25861,367york-bin-collectionScraper for the City of York Council Bin Collection page
10167,66961,367sorprysePry plugin for Sorbet
11168,24861,367supersonicAccelerate Ruby code by compiling methods on-the-fly
12168,68461,367interphaseA powerful, easy-to-use, native-looking GUI library
13169,37461,367grgbrbControl Logitech G hardware's RGB from Ruby
14169,59641,086nanorpcCommunicate with the Nano/RaiBlocks network
15169,70941,086of81-test-gem-bTest gem B
16170,75061,367deltiEffortless delta time calculation within loops
17171,93661,367yes_i_didRe-run code with did_you_mean suggestions in IRB
18172,41961,367backtorBackport of Ractor using threads
19173,66761,367faithA versatile task runner
20174,80261,367sysdoDo things automatically
21177,10961,367houndstoothExperimental type checker
22177,39233,893orange_zestA light wrapper for Gosu
23178,44461,367bitkitTransform IRB into a programmer's calculator