1 | 7,084 | 9,587 | vertica | Query Vertica with ruby |
2 | 7,724 | 19,502 | blather | An XMPP DSL for Ruby written on top of EventMachine and Nokogiri |
3 | 23,575 | 11,647 | rainpress | A CSS compressor |
4 | 40,927 | 57,505 | crypt-tea | An implementation of the Tiny Encryption Algorithm that's compatible with PHP's xxTEA |
5 | 75,901 | 57,505 | superfeedr-rb | A ruby library based on Blather for Superfeedr |
6 | 117,198 | 57,505 | collecta-rb | A ruby library based on Blather for working with the Collecta XMPP api. |
7 | 124,199 | 30,732 | otter-rb | An EventMachine based library for the Topsy Otter API. |