Peterzhu2118's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,4222,584ruby_memcheckUse Valgrind memcheck without going crazy
210,8663,928autotunerGet suggestions to tune Ruby's garbage collector
366,54441,086declarative_minitestPorts Rails declarative minitest into regular minitest
488,39961,367rails_throttleThrottle code in your Rails application.
5168,53761,367shopify-ruby-definitionsRuby builds used at Shopify.
6159,10370,120filelangSimple library to detect the programming language of a file through the extension of th...
7159,32849,896check_pointDescription of CheckPoint.
8161,95480,645savepointDescription of Savepoint.
9163,75257,709activeauthThe extensible, easy to use authentication library.
10180,20561,367gc_tunerGet suggestions to tune Ruby's garbage collector