Justinleger's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
152,61161,367slackifySlackbot framework for Rails using the Events API. Supports events, interactive message...
288,22261,367quotifyGenerates random quotes. Perfect placeholder text.
3103,58261,367gitgudRetry git push until it succeeds
4121,69229,456mealsFind what you can cook with your emojis
5167,12361,367blackrugBlackrug is this groundbreaking parser that allows you to sweep markdown under the rug ...
6170,07261,367regexifyCompact and flexible syntax to generate regular expressions
7172,09741,086looopBuild for loops with a signature similar to Java for loops. #ThrowbackThursday to when ...
8150,25711,828toddlerbotSlackbot framework for Rails using the Events API