1 | 16,371 | 35,920 | wordjelly-auth | Simple authentication solution for any rails app. |
2 | 16,798 | 28,793 | ruby_astm | This gem provides a server that can handle communication from medical instruments that ... |
3 | 55,012 | 86,038 | mongoid_versioned_atomic | coming soon. |
4 | 65,306 | 86,038 | wj-mongoid-elasticsearch | Simple and easy integration of mongoid with the new elasticsearch gem |
5 | 85,982 | 86,038 | delayed_job_es | Elastic Search backend for Delayed Job, only using the ES transport client and the Es-r... |
6 | 124,394 | 86,038 | wj_eventmachine | EventMachine implements a fast, single-threaded engine for arbitrary network
communicat... |
7 | 130,037 | 86,038 | wj-em-rubyserial | Refactored to play nice with eventmachine |
8 | 168,163 | 86,038 | wj-mailgun-ruby | Mailgun's Official Ruby SDK for interacting with the Mailgun API. |
9 | 168,278 | 86,038 | wj-payuindia | Gem for Ruby on Rails Apps which integrate with PayU India Payment Gateway |
10 | 168,311 | 86,038 | wj-jquery-rails | This gem provides jQuery and the jQuery-ujs driver for your Rails 4+ application. |