1 | 2,367 | 2,167 | fivemat | MiniTest/RSpec/Cucumber formatter that gives each test file its own line of dots |
2 | 7,753 | 12,386 | hookup | Automatically bundle and migrate your Rails app when switching branches, merging upstre... |
3 | 8,011 | 10,721 | pdf-toolkit | PDF::Toolkit provides a simple interface for querying and unpdation PDF metadata like t... |
4 | 9,290 | 25,458 | gem-ctags | Automatic ctags generation on gem install |
5 | 14,276 | 19,893 | pry-editline | C-x C-e to invoke an editor on the current pry (or irb) line |
6 | 18,712 | 63,432 | pickler | Synchronize between Cucumber and Pivotal Tracker |
7 | 27,024 | 63,432 | mta-settings | Configure ActionMailer or Mail delivery settings based on either a singular
MTA_URL env... |
8 | 27,622 | 63,432 | git-trac | git-trac takes the repetition out of working with trac and git-svn. Easily download a ... |
9 | 28,038 | 12,386 | rails-default-database | Provides a default database configuration for Rails applications that lack one |
10 | 44,817 | 41,916 | gem-shut-the-fuck-up | Disable gem post installation messages |
11 | 53,104 | 63,432 | gem-browse | gem edit: edit a library file you can require.
gem open: edit a gem by name.
gem clone:... |
12 | 54,299 | 63,432 | terraformation | Generators with a Hashrocket twist |
13 | 72,571 | 63,432 | ldaptic | Include a parameterized dynamic module in a namespace and get a full LDAP class hierarc... |
14 | 73,242 | 22,084 | rumember | Remember The Milk Ruby API and command line client |
15 | 85,199 | 63,432 | gem-edit | Superseded by gem-browse |
16 | 96,337 | 63,432 | zerbo | Build a serial cable for your Zeo and interface with it with this library. |
17 | 105,023 | 63,432 | git-bump | Git based release management |
18 | 129,325 | 63,432 | test-align-centaur | Centaur your RSpec progress output |
19 | 134,329 | 41,916 | rack-taint | Rack middleware to taint headers, parameters, and input |