Iotaspencer's Gems

See profile on Gravatar
#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
114,60461,367site_hookCatch a POST request from a git service push webhook and build a jekyll site.
229,92761,367gitallA git based webhook receiver for GitHub, GitLab, and Gogs
333,83761,367unibannerA simple bot made to ban and blacklist unicode spamming bots on IRC. Use only in channe...
449,29615,549mkmatterA gem that helps a user maintain a jekyll site source directory.
655,16761,367cloud_partyThin Ruby wrapper around Cloudflare's V4 API for good measure!
757,06517,333micro_installmicro_install is a gem that installs a removable script that lets you install 'micro'...
866,25461,367certflareThis summary is a summary of a summary
974,81761,367irc_socketAn IRC wrapper around TCPSocket. This is a mirror-fork active version of leejarvis/irc-...
1099,99861,367cinch-bot_templateGenerate cinch bot skeletons
11125,13361,367cloudflare_cliA CLI encapsulating /hopefully/ all of cloudflare's numerous endpoints (as soon as its ...
12156,59941,086dnsblimDNSBLim the Gem is a primarily DNSBLim API key holder exclusive, whereas the key holder...
13165,62941,086mc_queryRuby bindings to query Minecraft servers based on the RCON protocol.
16171,75261,367is_passgenA password generation gem for Ruby and Rails applications.