Pklingem's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
123,99374,510livelist-railslivelist-rails is a Rails 3.1 Engine/Extension incorporating the following javascript l...
236,43447,329jackfsThis is the fs gem we use
375,72347,329omniauth-personaAn OmniAuth strategy for implementing Persona
4101,27174,510to_hashA fork of qoobaa's to_hash gem forked to build the gem on
5123,33038,694jackruss-geokit-rails3Port of the Rails plugin "geokit-rails" to Rails 3, as a gem
6129,78474,510scope_filtersA Rails plugin that facilitates the creation of toggleable, chainable filter links in c...
7139,68647,329mongoid-activerecord-eagerloadableMongoid to ActiveRecord belongs to assocations with eager-loading