Tachomex's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
151,96374,510ruby-ant-serverThis gems can be used along a server app with jsonformat messages
273,40474,510kybus-botProvides a framework for building bots with ruby
397,32627,620omegaupAllows to encrypt files using ssh keys
4104,24574,510ant-loggerMake logs formatter and handling easier
5113,28874,510ant-coreAnt::Core will be used across all the ant gems. Provides the most basic functionali...
6119,01074,510ant-clientUse this gem with a duo with the ant-server gem
7122,52874,510ant-configsProvides helpers for making configs easy
8123,28774,510ant-botProvides a framework for building bots with ruby
9123,39574,510ant-storageThis module helps to design persistance modules that are very configurable about wh...
10127,39774,510kybus-configsProvides helpers for making configs easy
11150,47038,694kybus-coreKybus::Core will be used across all the kybus gems. Provides the most basic functio...
12155,21974,510kybus-loggerMake logs formatter and handling easier
13159,20674,510ant-serverThis gems can be used along a server app with jsonformat messages
14159,30974,510ant-sslPackage for creating self signed certificates for development purpose
15159,35574,510ant-nanoserviceHelps to create CRUD objects from a config
16160,14874,510kybus-storageThis module helps to design persistance modules that are very configurable about wh...
17162,92674,510kybus-clientUse this gem with a duo with the kybus-server gem
18164,59274,510kybus-sslPackage for creating self signed certificates for development purpose
19164,66774,510kybus-serverThis gems can be used along a server app with jsonformat messages
20166,88147,329kybus-nanoserviceHelps to create CRUD objects from a config
21180,17547,329kybus-nanorecordHelps to create CRUD objects from a config
22181,11838,694minimalist_odsA minimalist ODS generator written in Ruby
23182,53274,510kybus-cliA CLI tool to help initialize and manage Kybus projects, supporting various database ad...