Baroquebobcat's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
117,85361,367rack-methodoverride-with-paramsRack::MethodOverride only checks the X-Http-Method-Override header and the form encoded...
221,28861,367bitescriptBiteScript is a Ruby DSL for generating Java bytecode and classes.
324,16513,506mirahMirah is a customizable programming language featuring static types, local type inferen...
441,79661,367right-scale-apiA client for the RightScale API that hides some of the complexity of the API (It doesn'...
555,10223,402pindahA tool for writing Android applications in Mirah
659,01261,367dubiousDubious is a web framework written in Mirah.
771,67861,367sinatra-twitter-oauthA Sinatra Extension that simplifies using twitter for login and authentication.
896,65833,893mirah_modelMirah Model is a ORM library for App Engine's datastore. It is inspired by ActiveRecord...
10140,04241,086muskoxA JSON-Schema based Parser-Generator