Kristjan's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,7292,430sendgrid-actionmailerUse ActionMailer with SendGrid's Web API.
26,89313,550beanstalk-clientRuby client for beanstalkd
354,18986,038redshifterETL processing jobs to exporting Rails model tables to Redshift
456,13286,038dynosaurRun a rake task in a separate process (locally or on Heroku)
561,87486,038omniauth-singlyOfficial Singly strategy for OmniAuth
669,42986,038curl-multiRuby bindings for the libcurl multi interface
776,21435,920httsoireeMakes http fun! Also, makes consuming restful web services dead easy.
891,76035,920heroku-shortcutsShortcuts for the Heroku CLI
997,66286,038multifariousMultifarious makes generating a solid block of variously-sized tiles simple.
10123,66153,556kristjan-st-elsewhereThis gem provides has_many_elsewhere, an ActiveRecord class method to support many to m...
11124,63186,038flanA server-client bridge to Google Analytics using Rails' flash
12126,75486,038fifthcardBased on the PayPal card puzzle described at