1 | 42,159 | 61,367 | hey-you | Send multichannel notifications with one command. Сonvenient storage of notifications t... |
2 | 46,052 | 15,549 | methodist | Methodist - a gem for Ruby on Rails created to stop chaos in your business logic. This ... |
3 | 49,036 | 16,044 | loggun | Gem for formatting ruby application logs |
4 | 74,376 | 61,367 | hey-you-fcm-push | Send fcm pushes via hey-you using google fcm protocol |
5 | 87,801 | 61,367 | hey-you-nexmo | This gem extend core gem `hey-you` for send Nexmo SMS. |
6 | 121,344 | 61,367 | hey-you-slack | This gem extend core gem `hey-you` for send notifications to slack with webhooks. |