Avsej's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,09616,639couchbaseModern SDK for Couchbase Server
27,05663,432yajiYAJI is a ruby wrapper to YAJL providing iterator interface to streaming JSON parser
315,70563,432couchbase-modelORM-like interface allows you to persist your models to Couchbase
424,29930,305gsonRuby wrapper for GSON. https://code.google.com/p/google-gson/
531,7686,514calculusA ruby parser for TeX equations. It parses equations to postfix (reverse polish) notati...
660,29263,432yard-xmlThis plugin allows to render YARD documentation into the single XML file for further pr...
788,12425,458quviThis is the wrapper for libquvi library, which allows to extract media info (including ...
889,16063,432couchbase-memcachedAn interface to the libmemcached C client.
994,08430,305em-couchbaseThe official client library built atop of EventMachine for use with Couchbase Server.
1095,74763,432couchbase-git-scribegit-scribe is a workflow tool for starting, writing, reviewing and publishing multipl...
11106,78363,432exif_geo_tagRuby EXIF geo tagger based on libexif.
12107,24030,305segfaultHelper to abort your ruby script execution
14110,35263,432jsonbWrite a longer description. Optional.
15119,58141,916wxThis library is work in progress
16137,47463,432icouchbaseCommand line tool to work with Couchbase cluster
17138,67263,432gc_extExtension for inspection memory and GC
18141,14563,432jsonslThis is ruby bindings for jsonsl library
19141,30463,432jsonsmThis library is used for performing complex expression matching against JSON data
20147,21863,432govnoNew Revolutionary Framework for Web Applications
21164,64341,916seasonvarThe library which allows to work with API of series aggregator seasonvar.ru
22169,92063,432libmobiLibrary for handling Kindle (MOBI) formats of ebook documents
23170,10963,432memclientThis library provides easy access to course databases on memrise.com
24171,60541,916rionThis is a placeholder for the library
25183,15663,432couchbase-columnarThis library implements protocol and high level API for accessing Couchbase Columnar da...