Bmquinn's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,0686,589active-fedoraActiveFedora provides for creating and managing objects in the Fedora Repository Archit...
25,8256,566hydra-headHydra-Head is a Rails Engine containing the core code for a Hydra application.
36,2626,675hydra-access-controlsAccess controls for project hydra
46,3076,634hydra-coreHydra-Head is a Rails Engine containing the core code for a Hydra application. The full...
58,0097,414browse-everythingAJAX/Rails engine file browser for cloud storage services
68,3847,084hydra-derivativesDerivative generation plugin for hydra
78,4977,601hydra-editorA basic metadata editor for hydra-head
88,6897,171hydra-file_characterizationTo provide a wrapper for file characterization
99,7227,100hydra-pcdmPortland Common Data Model (PCDM)
109,8556,831active_encodeThis gem provides an interface to transcoding services such as Ffmpeg, Amazon Elastic T...
1111,4107,207bixbyA Style Configuration for RuboCop
1215,47014,205hydra-role-managementRails engine to do user roles in an RDBMS for hydra-head
1318,46261,367hydra-remote_identifierHandles the registration and minting of remote identifiers (i.e. DOI, ARK, ORCID)
1418,70733,893hydra-pbcoreA Hydra gem that offers PBCore datastream definitions using OM
1529,33061,367hybagA Hydra gem for adding BagIt functionality to ActiveFedora models.
1631,02661,367active_fedora_relsintActiveFedora library to allow use of RELS-INT to track RDF assertions about datastreams...
1733,03961,367curation_concerns-modelsAn extensible repository data-model with works and and many attached files
1834,08816,044active_fedora-datastreamsXML and RDF datastreams for ActiveFedora
1940,60641,086geomashParse string for potential geographic matches and return that data along with the TGN I...
2042,22861,367fedora-migrateMigrates data (models, datastreams, content) from a Fedora3 repository to Fedora4
2148,02812,281valkyrie-shrineShrine storage adapter for Valkyrie
2250,08661,367common_indexerCommon Indexing mixin for NUL Digital Collections
2355,25761,367hydra-ldapA gem for managing groups with ldap
2473,73061,367geo_worksRails engine for Hydra Geo models. Built around the Hyrax engine.
2596,12023,402omniauth-nussoOmniAuth strategy for Northwestern University Agentless SSO.
26102,60825,716huborgMake changes to Organization Repositories en-masse.
27135,62133,893mets_converterConverts METS schema encoded XML to YML
28162,24641,086hydra-grouperThe long awaited separation of groups and roles for Project Hydra.