1 | 81,520 | 91,749 | procreate-swatches | A gem to interact with Procreate .swatches files. |
2 | 100,789 | 91,749 | rubygems_downloads | View statistics about gem downloads from RubyGems.org |
3 | 105,171 | 91,749 | acv2lrtemplate | Easily convert .acv (Photoshop Curves) to .lrtemplate (Adobe Lightroom Preset) files. |
4 | 111,075 | 91,749 | callable_class | Class method to instantiate and call a class. |
5 | 131,160 | 91,749 | hash2lrtemplate | Convert Hash objects to strings formatted as .lrtemplate (Adobe Lightroom) files. |
6 | 144,725 | 91,749 | universities | Ruby gem for Hipo/university-domains-list. |
7 | 171,216 | 91,749 | permitted_attributes | Gem to easily generate permitted attributes for ActiveController::StrongParameters |
8 | 173,500 | 91,749 | to_human | Human-friendly strings for Boolean and Nil values |