Bestwebua's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,2782,988truemailConfigurable framework agnostic plain Ruby email validator. Verify email via Regex, DNS...
217,5917,018dns_mock💎 Ruby DNS mock. Mimic any DNS records for your test environment and even more.
332,65441,086truemail-rspecTruemail RSpec helpers
434,25429,456smtp_mock💎 Ruby SMTP mock. Mimic any SMTP server behavior for your test environment.
538,66761,367codebreaker2018New version of logic terminal game with English and Russian localizations. For demo mod...
645,30141,086truemail-clientTruemail web API client library for Ruby
785,08123,402on_strum-logsSimple structured logger.
889,42129,456on_strum-healthcheckSimple configurable application healthcheck rack middleware.
9116,70961,367rspec_file_chefRSpec File Environment control. Keeper of current state of tracked files and temporary ...
10137,42361,367rom-mongodbMongoDB adapter for Ruby Object Mapper
11161,45161,367truevalidationComing soon
12164,65761,367jwt_tokenSimple JWT token handler.
13177,76829,456rspec-mockRSpec::Mock - seamless migration from third-party mocks to RSpec built-in mocking frame...
14182,86541,086mercadonaSimple retail shop interface.
15183,10761,367healthcheck_endpointSimple configurable application healthcheck rack middleware.