1 | 2,803 | 3,048 | rspec-sorbet | A small gem consisting of helpers for using Sorbet & RSpec together. |
2 | 3,803 | 2,569 | sorbet-struct-comparable | Comparable T::Struct's for the equality focused typed Ruby developer. |
3 | 5,534 | 6,414 | graphwerk | Visualise dependencies between your application and it's Packwerk packages using Graphviz. |
4 | 6,075 | 24,029 | dry-monads-sorbet | Sorbet type hints for Dry::Monads |
5 | 26,469 | 36,605 | duckface-interfaces | Duck typing + Interfaces |
6 | 103,656 | 97,699 | rails-dynamic-rendering | Puppeteer based dynamic rendering for Rails applications |
7 | 117,309 | 36,605 | there_was_an_attempt | A small utility to repeatedly attempt an operation sleeping between failed attempts. |
8 | 168,755 | 53,223 | lazy_resque | Moves Resque enqueues out of the request cycle in a Rails application. |