1 | 4,242 | 3,366 | cable_ready | Out-of-Band Server Triggered DOM Operations |
2 | 5,290 | 5,594 | stimulus_reflex | Build reactive applications with the Rails tooling you already know and love. |
3 | 14,655 | 3,018 | attractor | Many authors (Michael Feathers, Sandi Metz) have shown that an evaluation of
churn ... |
4 | 15,506 | 9,506 | pronto-standardrb | Pronto runner for StandardRb |
5 | 18,409 | 12,310 | futurism | Uses custom html elements with attached IntersectionObserver to automatically lazy load... |
6 | 31,465 | 3,018 | attractor-ruby | Attractor plugin for the Ruby programming language and its ecosystem |
7 | 39,143 | 3,029 | attractor-javascript | Attractor plugin for the Ruby programming language and its ecosystem |
8 | 49,965 | 20,749 | maxy-gen | A commandline tool to generate max patches in an emmet-like fashion |
9 | 55,447 | 86,038 | cubism | Lightweight Resource-Based Presence Solution with CableReady |
10 | 86,771 | 86,038 | attractor-rails | Many authors (Michael Feathers, Sandi Metz) have shown that an evaluation of
churn ... |
11 | 147,680 | 53,556 | stimulus_reflex_profiler | A Rails engine with profiling options for StimulusReflex |
12 | 154,794 | 86,038 | bridgetown-avatar | Liquid tag to insert a Github avatar |
13 | 160,439 | 86,038 | omniauth-savvycal | OmniAuth Strategy for SavvyCal |
14 | 168,344 | 86,038 | solder | Simplistic UI State Management for Rails Apps using Hotwire and Caching |
15 | 172,503 | 86,038 | bridgetown-media-transformation | Image and video transformation via image_processing and ffmpeg |
16 | 176,970 | 86,038 | toy_train | Description of ToyTrain. |
17 | 181,177 | 86,038 | active_storage-blurhash | Use blurhashes to lazy load ActiveStorage images |
18 | 182,377 | 86,038 | sitepress-pagefind | A Pagefind integration for Sitepress |