Briandquinn's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,2372,312defaceDeface is a library that allows you to customize ERB, Haml and Slim views in a Rails ap...
23,7305,673spreeA complete open source e-commerce solution with multi-store, multi-currency and multi-l...
33,7355,722spree_apiSpree's API
43,9066,743spree_sampleOptional package containing example data of products, stores, shipping methods, categor...
54,04611,371spree_cmdSpree Commerce command line interface
68,74231,584spree_promoRequired dependency for Spree
78,76237,743spree_dashRequired dependency for Spree
822,04755,084rd_find_by_paramfind_by_param is a nice and easy way to handle permalinks and dealing with searching fo...
932,19014,283http-cageGlobal timeouts for Net::HTTP.
1034,39955,084spree_skrillPayment Method for Skrill Transactions for Spree
1134,98255,084spree_usa_epayPayment Method for USA ePay SOAP Webservice
1256,69555,084endpoint_baseShared functionality for SpreeCommerce hub endpoints
1373,06055,084spree_store_creditsProvides store credits for a Spree store.
1475,30655,084spree_socialAdds social network login services (OAuth) to Spree
15104,92355,084spree_email_to_friendSpree extension to send product recommendations to friends
16117,50255,084spree_active_shippingSpree extension for providing shipping methods that wrap the active_shipping plugin.
17119,71455,084spree_commentsComments for orders and shipments
18122,24755,084spree_affiliateAffiliate support for Spree